August 18, 2011

Our first date

So the Hubster and I can't remember our official first date.  Is that bad?  I guess the good news is we both forget, right? 

We did date fast and furiously though.  I saw him every single day for six months (when he went away for a vacation with his friends).  Considering he was in a vigorous training program with the military at the time, and I was working a job with some pretty demanding hours, that was pretty impressive.  I have no doubt we were each other's escape into serenity.  So he probably wouldn't have use the word serenity but whatever.

The night we met I learned he drove a motorcycle.  I love motorcycles.  My dad had one when I was growing up.  Uncles.  Friends.  Ex-boyfriends (heh).  I'd considered myself a pro.  On Harleys.  Yes.  I was a Harley-snob. 

The Hubster had a crotch-rocket.  I knew it was a matter of time before I had to ride it.  And I was not looking forward to it.  Ok, well maybe a little bit.  You know, the having to hold on really tight part.

So one night, probably a couple days after we met, the Hubster invited me to meet some friends down at the beach.  Sold.  I drove down, we hung out a bit at a local restaurant and then decided to go to another place.  And of course the Hubster wanted me to go with him.  On his bike. 

He knew I was ridiculously nervous.  I knew that he was a fantastic rider.  I knew he had taken safety courses.  I knew he was careful (when he wanted to be).  He had the second helmet with him (sneaky sneaky) so I was out of excuses.

I got on and held tight.  Obviously we made it in one piece.  He drove the speed limit.  He didn't do anything crazy.  And I think I fell in love with him just a little bit when he reached back, rubbed my leg, just to kind of make sure I was doing ok. 

When he drove me back to my car that night it was the first night he kissed me.  And man was it worth the wait. 


  1. Love it. And that is completely amazing that you two saw each other every day. I lived with Clark and sometimes it felt like I never saw him:) Tovah

  2. Sweet story. :) I never got up the nerve to ride Joe's street bike with him. Some day he'll buy a cruiser, and I will never, ever get off it.
