October 15, 2012


My Father-in-law came to visit for the day which was a very special treat for all of us!  He arrived in the morning, just in time to push the girls on the swings and play outside on the gorgeous fall day!

As Big One was running around between the swing and the slide she pointed up to the sky and excited announced that she saw Santa!

Momentary confusion hit my FIL, the Hubster, and me.  Until she pointed again.  This is what she saw:

Santa making his rounds
Clearly that was Santa's sleigh in the sky!  I quickly recovered and agreed that yes, in fact, that was Santa!  And he was checking to make sure that she was making good choices and being a good girl!

Out of the mouths of babes.  Awesome.

The girls were very sad to see PawPaw leave shortly after nap time.  And were thrilled to hear he would be back in just two weeks when he comes for their birthday party!  I think they had a great time though.

Dress up!

Snuggles before hitting the road.

Pretty sure the Hubster had a fun time with his Dad too!

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