October 9, 2012

Big One Turns 4!

Hard to believe that four years have passed since BO came into our lives.  Time really does fly and I cannot imagine my life without her in it.

Today she is a beautiful, well-spoken, smart, funny, spirited, artistic four year old.  She makes me smile every day.  She also makes me want to pull out my hair every now and again.

BO was thrilled to spend the day at an aquarium with friends and Auntie.  She loved receiving her Cinderella DVD and plush Disney dolls.  She is a girly girl through and through!

She brought cupcakes to her pre-school class for snack time and was just thrilled to share them!  I have a summer birthday, so I'm vicariously living through her.  We were always on summer break when my birthday rolled around.

I love watching her learn new things.  I love seeing her love for drawing.  I love seeing her generosity of spirit.  I am amazed at her beauty, inside and out.

Big One October 2008 - Brand New
Big One October 2009 - 1 Year Old
Big One October 2010 - 2 Years Old
Big One October 2011 - 3 Years Old
Big One October 2012 - 4 Years Old

I am beyond blessed to be her Mommy.  I cannot wait to see what she chooses to do with her life, but I have no doubt that it will be amazing.


  1. Oh Reese! <3 Look how beautiful she's become!

  2. She is so precious! She was so kind to my kiddos when we visited this summer. You are raising two lovely girls!

  3. I cannot believe she is 4 already!!!! She is adorable and I cannot wait to watch her grow.
