October 20, 2012

Attempt #1

I have very fond memories of my birthdays growing up.  My parents always did their best to make me feel special.  My mom created some really awesome cakes.  And this was before the internet and pinterest folks!

I also love the girls birthday parties.  Love.  All of it.  The planning.  Making their cake(s).  The decorations. The food.  I love how much fun the girls have.  I hope they have some fond memories of them when they grow up too.

This year I decided to make the girls' party dresses.

I might have a problem.

Making the dresses is new for me.  I have actually never made a real dress.  Nothing with sleeves.  Nothing with shirring.  But then I saw this.  And oh my word isn't it just adorable?!

So with some cheering from some very good friends, I decided that sure I could do it!

I bought some ridiculously cute fabric to go along with the birthday theme.  And then I was afraid I'd screw it up.


Attempt #1.  I'm pretty happy with it.  Maybe a few little changes to make the neck not so wide.  Not too tough though.

And bonus.  Nana walked in the Susan G. Komen walk today as a Survivor.  So supporting Nana and many other friends and family.

Cute, right?

With ribbon belt.

1 comment:

  1. Well done!! I'm impressed by your bravery to attempt a dress! Very cute.
