December 14, 2011

Hair Salon

Yesterday I told Big One that today we were going to get her hair cut.  Her response was "At the Barber?"  Um.... no.  It was a funny response because she has never seen a barber.  Hubster cuts his own hair.  So barber?  I explained that we were going to a hair salon.  And she started talking about Oswald.  Another instance of my children watching too much tv.  Heh.  

This is Big One's second hair cut.  I forgot my camera again.  Oh well.  She sat perfectly still.  She did an awesome job.  And I think it turned out really cute.

Little side bang so the wispies can grow out.
She lucked out with that gorgeous hair!
Ignore the funny mid-cheese face!
I'm kind of just amazed we got there on time this morning.  Little One was up (and SCREAMING) from 10:45-3am last night.  I am beat.  I imagine it is all the teeth she is popping through.  But good Lord I'm praying for a better night tonight.