August 31, 2012


Little One is almost 22 months.  Nuts.

Her verbal skills are crazy.  She is speaking in sentences.  Strangers can understand her easily (most of the time).

And she is funny.

She calls inanimate objects.  "Cup!  Where are you?"  "Butterfly (wings)!  Where are you?"  We were Skyping with my parents tonight and every time my dad left the screen it was, "Papa!  Papa!!!!! Where are you?"  Poor Fenway gets it too.  All. Day. Long.  Clearly she doesn't have an issue with her verbal skills ...can't imagine where she gets that strength from.

She loves to make people laugh.  She is adorable and tickles you and says, "Tickle, Tickle!"  Oh my word is it adorable.  Yes, I'm partial.  I'll get it on video just to prove it to you.

She is now telling us (on her own), "I wuv (love) you!"  Oh my word.  Melt my heart.  Yesterday in the car, she said, "Daddy, I love you!" and then, "Mommy, I love you!" and finally, "Big One (of course she used her actual name), I love you"  Cue tears.

Just the last few days she started fake sneezing.  Cracks me up.

And I have to tell you, Big One was never really a cuddler.  She would give hugs and kisses for sure, but they would be fleeting.  She had things to do.  LO?  She really gives the best hugs.  You can just feel the love radiating from her.

LO has a whole lot of personality for not quite two years old.  She is going to keep us on our toes, no doubt about it!