So here is a post I wrote over a week ago...
So a few things for you:
1. 1. I’ve been off the internet for a few days, and geesh, it is not easy! I need a support group, but they are probably all internet-based!
2. 2. My hubby finished the office for now. It still needs to be painted, but that is the #1 home improvement job he hates the most. But what he has finished (re-facing the cabinets, new knobs, and painting the wall unit – it used to be stained dark wood) looks FABulous!
3. 3. And I have realized we have NOT been good about taking before photos L Boo. I searched through all of my photos from the time we moved in 18 months ago and not a single photo of the office. Stinks. Sorry.
4. 4. Lastly, I realized that oh my word has my Big One (BO) grown and changed so very much in the last six months! It is crazy! I knew that her language skills and even her motor skills have improved ten fold, but she went from looking like a baby to a real toddler. It is really nuts.
…and to continue from my last post about time flying, the other night I had to put away all of Little One's (LO) newborn clothes. Most of which she didn’t get a chance to wear, she just grew so darn fast! We are all done having babies, but it still made me a little teary.
So I’ve attached a couple of pictures from the Office Redo. Enjoy.
…and two pictures of BO. One from May of last year and one from this month. Geesh…
Seriously. Time flies.