January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolutions... Meh

So I've joined the world of the bloggers.  I probably won't be very entertaining, most likely I'll ramble... so don't say I didn't warn you! 

I'm not much for New Year's resolutions.  Yes, I've made them.  No, I haven't kept them.  I mean, really, has anyone really kept one all year long?

At any rate, this is my attempt at keeping a record of entertaining things that happen in our life.  And perhaps I'll throw in a craft or two.  Really, I'm just a beginner in that area...

I'll start with this one.  One of my older daughter's favorite things to tell every visitor in our home is "Mommy take away toys.  In basement."  Nice.  Just to be clear, she deserved it.  And it wasn't permanent!  Heh....