January 7, 2011

Can't sit still

I have a hubby that can't sit still... heh... did you think this post was about me?!  You must not know me well ;)

Seriously, even when he isn't feeling well, it kills him to veg on the couch.  Or in bed if he is sick.  Or anywhere.

He paints.  He does wood work.  He insulates.  He builds.  He works on the car.  He does yard work.

I am very lucky, I know that. 

The latest project is refacing the cabinets in our office.  He spends more time in there than I do because he has a desktop, so the 1990's white cabinets and the half.... um.... half-done... built-ins that are half white and half stained have been driving him nuts since we moved in 18 months ago.

So far I have only seen the pieces, and it is just primered right now, but I'm sure it is going to look 100% better when he is done.

Somehow I know I'm going to be dragged into the project to clean the clutter out of the room.  And probably today, as his family is coming to visit this weekend.

At least I'm not painting, right??

Pictures to come:
1.  When he finishes
2.  When I figure out how to attach them.

PS - are you surprised that he already has another project ready to get moving when this one is done?  You are?  Well, then, you must not know him very well! ;)


  1. Send him to NM when he gets bored...I have A LOT of handyman stuff he can do. Like for starters putting the christmas tree that has been down for a week and a half back in the shed!

  2. Really...I wish mine had 1/4 of his energy!

  3. such a busy-body.. when he's done there and done at brie's, you can send him our way ;)
