June 14, 2011

Birthdays & Hooter Hiders

I have a dear friend who is turning the big 3-0 today!  She has an adorable new baby.  Her toddler just celebrated her 2nd birthday.  They sold their house.  And they are moving.  Talk about a big month! 

Here we are feeding our munchkins.  

I usually use a much cuter cover but it was dirty.

So she has mentioned in the past that she wanted a bigger cover.  I decided to make one for her.  Hope it was longer!  HA!  It was my first attempt.  I'm pretty happy with the result.

What do you think?


  1. What kind of material is the hooter hider made of? I'm hoping it's cotton, so it's breathable - babies can generate a lot of heat. -- I like the fact that the rigid neckline lets in air to circulate.

    1. Yup! Lightweight cotton. My babies were both hotboxes so I can't imagine anything heavier than that! The rigid neckline is really amazing for letting air in, but also so you can see what is going on with your baby. Thanks for commenting!
