June 9, 2011

Five Years

Five years ago tonight I was having a really bad week.  I was going to have a great weekend, goshdarnit!

I called one of my girlfriends and she agreed to dinner at my favorite restaurant and then going from "bar to bar until someone catches my eye."

Dinner was yummy.  We were on our way to Bar #1 when we ran into a friend inviting us to a different bar.  A bar that I hated.  We went.  We chatted.  On our way out my girlfriend spotted a friend of a friend.  As they chatted I chatted with that guys friend.  Good thing he was cute.

They followed us to the next bar.  He walked me to my car. 

I saw him every single day from that point on.

Then he proposed.

Four months later we were married. 

Guess it is a good thing we went to that bar I hated so much, huh?  Funny thing is he hated that bar too.

Here is one of our first (maybe even our first?) pictures together from one of our first dates.  One of the best nights of I've ever had.  I knew he was it.  Even after a few days...

1 comment:

  1. AW what a great pic!!! happy 5 years!!! We are NINE on saturday, sheesh time flies :-)
