June 1, 2011

I could swear....

I posted another blog since this last one.  Am I losing my mind?  Heh.  I very well might be.


I have been cooking and baking a lot.  My goal is to make more snacks for my family so we are buying less processed stuff.  Hubster brings lunch/dinner to work each day, so depending on how snacky he is feeling we go through them quickly.
Big One is also allergic to peanuts, so we can't buy a lot of the normal kid snacks.  We just don't want them in the house.  Just in case.

My girlfriend brought these Yummy Baked Granola Bars over for a playdate.  I cut back on the brown sugar (1/2c) and skipped the raisins.  They were awesome.

Then I decided to try a Chewy Granola Bar.  I have substituted the corn syrup for honey and agave with very yummy results.  I use whatever I have.  I also change out the peanut butter for almond butter.  These are great because you can put whatever you want.  I really like almond pieces and chocolate chips.

I have also been trying out some of Pioneer Woman Recipes.  Amazingly delicious.  Not so figure friendly.  Consider yourself warned!  Her Sloppy Joes are in regular rotation.  My Hubster asks for them weekly.  I like to try lots of new recipes so it is hard for me to commit to "Sloppy Joe Tuesdays" but we eat them a lot.  And I recently fell in loooooooove  with her Lemon Blueberry Pancakes.  I could eat them daily.  Yum!

I really do love to cook.  I love to bake.  I love to feed people.  And I love to eat.  Heh.  (Probably why I can't shed the rest of this baby weight!!)

I have also done a little bit of sewing.  And I have loads more to do.

Finally,  we (read: the Hubster) have been doing a lot of yard work in the last few weeks.  We are really not gardeners.  There was quite a bit of landscaping in the front yard.  Most of which we had no idea what it was.  Weeds everywhere.  I'm talking like Jack and the Beanstalk weeds.  So with a little pushing... we got rid of it all.  We made the area significantly smaller.  Planted beautiful white hydrangeas (at least I hope they are beautiful).  Put down loads of newspaper and weedblock.  Rocks will go next.  No.More.Mulch!  Horray!!

Of course I have no pictures for you.  None.  I can't believe we don't have a pic of the front of the house?!  I'll take some.  Promise.

For now I'll leave you with my adorable kiddos.

 Little One sitting up!
 Happy Memorial Day!
Big One playing in the sprinkler!

1 comment:

  1. Cute family! :) Keek had that swimsuit when she was teensy. Sigh.
