June 30, 2011

A new decade.

I turned 30.  Yup.  A new decade.

I remember thinking that 30 was sooooooooo old.  I don't really feel old.  Most days anyway.  Heh.

So anyway.  The Hubster set up a sitter and took me out to a nice restaurant.  It was a few hours of pure bliss.  I love my children dearly, but I also love my husband.  Spending a couple of hours without any real interruptions was awesome.

And so is my iTouch.

As will be my hours at the spa.

So far 30 isn't so bad.


  1. happy birthday mama! And you are NOT OLD. I'm gonna be 30 in September so it's def... NOT OLD. :)

  2. Shoot...I'll be 33. You're not old LOL
