July 17, 2012

Party of 28!

So when I was pregnant with Big One we were kind of in a state of limbo.  Living in a rental house for a couple years, knowing we were not planning to stay in the area.  I was working but it was a transfer because we had no choice in the move (thanks to the Hubster).  I really didn't have a lot of friends.  And to be honest, I wasn't really trying.  I've never had trouble making friends.  I'm pretty easy to get along with.  But anyway.  No friends.  No family nearby.  And pregnant (read: emotional).

Not a great combination.  So I found an online forum for pregnant moms.  I lurked for many months, reading but not participating.  This was a group of women that were all due the same month.  Long story short I am very good friends with many of them now.  We have been through a lot as a group.  Births (obviously).  Deaths.  Marriages.  Divorces.  Infidelity.  Health problems.  The "normal" phases children go through.  Lots.

I have been to a few get togethers in the past.  They were fun.  Crazy as you can imagine.  Our first one was when Big One was nine months old.  The kids were just learning to crawl.  It was nuts.  

The next one was when they were about 18 months.  They were all walking around and going in all different directions.  Seriously.  This was the best picture I could get.  Insane.

At almost four years old they follow directions a little better!  We were missing one little girl who decided she was just too cool to sit for a pic ;) but we had eight kiddos under four years old.

We had seven families come to visit.  15 children.  13 adults.  It was loud.  And so much fun.  These women have become a big part of my life in the last four years.  It probably sounds so strange to some, but they really are real friends of mine.

Some of these families traveled a good distance to get to us.  Hours in the car with at least one child.  Money spent on gas, tolls, food, lodging.  I really appreciate the sacrifice.

And we had such well behaved children on Saturday!  They all got along amazingly well.  Toys were shared. Turns were taken.  Lots of hugs.  Dancing.  It was if we had known each other for years.  And really?  We have.

I consider myself so very blessed to be apart of such an awesome group.

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