July 9, 2012

Spring Cleaning... in July

The Hubster and I have really been on a roll lately.  Just trying to clear things out that we don't use anymore. We have a local consignment board on Facebook and I was able to get rid of a dresser and nightstand and a bunch of baby things.  We made enough money to cover the cost of re-doing the basement bedroom.  That was my goal.  We also cleared out most of the unfinished part of the basement, which was the Hubster's goal.  (Here is where I tell you our basement is the least cluttered, most organized basement you will ever see... but it still drives the Hubster batty that we have things down there that we don't use.  I guess everyone has a little crazy in them.  Heh.)

Then the Hubster decided to touch up some paint in the basement bedroom.  And then he already had that can of paint out, so he figured he would touch up the paint in the rest of the house (I'm not kidding you).  And he decided to hang this window (yes, really, a window) we picked up.

He called me upstairs to look at it, it looks great.  Pics to follow as I'm the only one awake right now and turning on the lights upstairs wouldn't be very nice.

And I said, why don't we take down the baby gates?  And he did.  And it is fabulous!  I hate gates.  In my house.  Hate.  They have been up since we moved in.  And every single time I bring laundry up or down stairs I curse them.  Haaaaaaate.

So hooray for no more baby gates!

I know, boring post with no pics... so I leave you with these gems from this weekend!

Big One had a blast jumping!
Little One is not looking so little with those pigtails!  Geesh!

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