April 13, 2011

Big One Brag

So I'm going to be that mom for a minute. 

My Big One just turned 2 1/2.  I'm constantly amazed at the things she is learning.  Numbers and counting.  Her alphabet.  Letters.

So the hubster came downstairs after putting her to bed last night and asked me if I knew Big One knew how to spell her name?!

We have her name on one of her walls.  Whenever I bring her up for nap or bedtime I point to each letter and tell her what it is.  Well, apparently she did that for him!

She has done it several times since last night.

I'm pretty proud of her!!

Ok, brag over.  Time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. YAY big one!!!! and I am 'that' mom right along with you..have you seen my blog? hehe I need somewhere to share my constant amazement and annoyances about my kids!!!
