September 14, 2011

Growing Up!

Big One is getting.... errrr.... Big.  Heh. 

She stays home with me, so sometimes it is hard to see how big she really is getting.

She started a ballet class on Monday.  She loooooooves it.

The Hubster had a late start week at work, so he was able to come with us.  I'm so glad he didn't have to miss out on that!  Big One loved having all three of us there!

With that being said she pretty much stood and stared at the teacher and other ballerinas for the entire 45 minutes.  Heh.  Apparently that is pretty normal.  Hopefully the next class she will participate. 

The Hubster thought that she might feel better about it if she had a ballet skirt like some of the other girls.  Geesh, Big One has the Hubster wrapped around her little finger!  With that being said, it arrived today.  Thanks you Amazon!

1 comment:

  1. Totally normal! And she is totally adorable!!! Dance class is more about looking cute anyway, right? ;)
