September 20, 2011

Bad Attitude

I'm having a bad attitude today.  I know lots of people have it worse than I do.  But I figure I'm entitled to a bad day occasionally, right?  Right?!

The Hubster is working his normal (yet never set) crazy schedule.  I really don't mind it.  We miss him, of course, but we do get to see him in the mornings which is a nice change.  Of course that leaves the crazy chaos of the witching hours to yours truly.  And some days go better than others.

But man.  Last night sucked. 

I got both girls bathed - you know, after Big One refused to eat dinner - and to bed in just over an hour.  Fine.  Except Little One woke up at midnight.  Just as I was falling asleep finally (having trouble in that department lately).  I thought I had her down and then I was falling asleep again and at 12:30am the cries started all over.  I really can't remember how many times I was up with her after that.  It was that bad

Oh but don't forget, Big One skipped dinner last night.  So sure enough at 7am she was up and hungry.  I talked her into reading books in bed for a bit.  Little One was up at 8:15 so I fed her again and woke up the Hubster for the hand off. 

So I got a broken hour (thanks to the almost three year old elephant playing downstairs) of napping before I had to get up.

Teething sucks.  Hard. 

And today is moving sooooooooo slow.

I'm thinking it will be a Delivery kind of dinner.  Don't judge.

September 19, 2011

The Magical Skirt

Well maybe the Hubster was right (heh) because Big One did awesome at her ballet class today!

She had a bit of a slow start, but within a few minutes she was following directions!  She was skipping!  She was on her tippy-toes!  She was spinning!  She was doing summersaults!  She was log-rolling like a champ! 

We were so very proud of her!

So maybe it was the magical ballet skirt.  Or maybe she just needs some time to warm up.

But she did awesome!

September 18, 2011

Picky Eater

I have a picky eater.   It drives me insane.  I love food.  I love to cook and bake.  I love to try new recipes.  I love to make old favorites.  I love to entertain.  I love to nourish people that I love.  And... I love to eat.

So having a picky eater?  It is like my nemesis.  Seriously.

Tonight I was making homemade pizza, the Hubster's request. 

I let Big One help.  She loved it!  She helped spread the sauce and put on the cheese.  She did a fabulous job!

And wouldn't you know it.... she actually ate dinner and asked for more!!!  

We'll have to try this more often.

She will be a foodie if its the last thing I do!  Heh. 

September 14, 2011

Growing Up!

Big One is getting.... errrr.... Big.  Heh. 

She stays home with me, so sometimes it is hard to see how big she really is getting.

She started a ballet class on Monday.  She loooooooves it.

The Hubster had a late start week at work, so he was able to come with us.  I'm so glad he didn't have to miss out on that!  Big One loved having all three of us there!

With that being said she pretty much stood and stared at the teacher and other ballerinas for the entire 45 minutes.  Heh.  Apparently that is pretty normal.  Hopefully the next class she will participate. 

The Hubster thought that she might feel better about it if she had a ballet skirt like some of the other girls.  Geesh, Big One has the Hubster wrapped around her little finger!  With that being said, it arrived today.  Thanks you Amazon!

September 13, 2011

Peanut Allergy

This is a topic near and dear to my heart as Big One is allergic to peanuts.

At 20 months I gave her a peanut butter and honey uncrustables (first time - and last - I bought those things).  She nibbled at it, but really was not impressed.  Thank God.

Shortly after, we gave her Zyrtec for her seasonal allergies, bathed her, and put her to bed.

The next morning this is what I saw when I got her.  The next morning.

She looked pitiful.  And I was terrified as you can imagine.  We went to the pediatrician, got the blood test that took weeks to come back (positive), found an allergist, did the prick test (to also have it immediately pop positive).

Our life was immediately changed.

I cried.  A lot.  Mainly out of fear, partly out of selfishness.  How was I going to be able to keep her safe?  Was she going to be picked on?  Singled out?  No parent wants their child to feel different.  And then the reality of keeping peanut butter out of our home.  One of my favorite things in the world.  Peanut butter.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Peanut butter toast.  Peanut butter cookies.  Snickers.  Reese's peanut butter cups.  The list goes on.  And on.  And on.

And then the research began.  Trying to find yummy replacements.  I've done that.  It is fine.  I still miss some of my favorite things, mainly the baked goods.  Sometimes I will splurge when Big One goes to sleep for the night or have a treat when I'm out by myself.  But always wash hands and brush teeth immediately after.

My big concern right now is that Big One is too young to really understand her allergy.  She obviously has never really had peanuts (in any form).  She isn't even three years old.  She just doesn't get it.  A perfect example is that she came up to me about a week ago saying how much she looooved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!  I explained to her (again) that she cannot eat them because peanuts make her very very sick.

But I'll be honest, unless you have been faced with it, or have really understanding people in your life, you just don't really get it.  You don't understand that every birthday party is usually more work for you because you need to ensure that all food and goodies are peanut free.  And if they aren't then you need to provide your own or deal with a toddler who wants XYZ and doesn't understand why she can't have cake or ice cream or whatever the goodie is.

Every time I leave Big One somewhere that I am not going to be there every second with her, I worry.  I have to explain to the caregiver about her allergy, leave her with Benedryl and her Epi Pens (and directions on how to use them properly).  Let me tell you how big our babysitter's eyes got explaining how to use the Epi Pen.  Sigh.  

What scares me the most?  School.  Big One will start Pre-School next fall.  I don't believe schools around here are peanut free.  I need to do more research but I believe that would mean a table off to the side.  As in segregated.   And too young to understand why.

A friend recently mentioned a conversation about this very subject and how upset parents were that they had to find other options for their children because their school was peanut free.  Some of the comments were pretty upsetting to me.  Someone actually said it was survival of the fittest.  Others said it was the parents' fault their child had the allergy.  I don't believe either of those statements.  But can you imagine how hurtful those comments are?  I would do anything to have Big One be normal.  And no one seems to be able to figure out the cause.

I hope the children of those parents learn to be more empathetic than their moms and dads.

I could go on and on... but at this point I'm just rambling.

September 12, 2011

10 years

It is hard to believe that 10 years have passed since 9/11.  I'm sure like most adults you can remember that day vividly.  I feel like it was yesterday. 

I had just gotten out of the shower, went back into my dorm room, and turned on Regis and Kelly.  I was miffed initially that the news had once again interrupted my show.  And then I realized.  And watched.  Stunned

I went to my history class knowing there was no way the professor was going to carry on with her lecture.  No way.  Well, she did.  Unbelievable.  I can tell you two things about class that day: 1. She missed an enormous teaching opportunity and 2.  I don't remember a thing that came out of her mouth.

After class ended, I was glued to the news.

It still amazes me how such tragedy and chaos can create such unity.  I wish we, as Americans, could have held onto that unity forever. 

I didn't know anyone that was taken so tragically that day, but I have a fair share of military people in my life.  I have seen the sacrifice it takes to leave your life behind for months to fight to keep the freedoms we often times take for granted.  I have seen, and experienced, the sacrifice the family of military personnel.  Missed holidays.  Missed child births.  Missed family dinners.  Missed.  Just missed. 

I pray that even though it feels like the war is over, we aren't seeing it daily on the news, that you remember the daily sacrifice. 

I will never forget September 11, 2001. 

Or the days, weeks, months, and years that have followed.

September 11, 2011

Mover and a Shaker

Well, it is official.  Little One is a crawler.  Has been for a couple of weeks now.  She is much happier now that she has figured out that she can get where she wants to go all by herself.

Well, most of the time.  Sometimes she.... forgets.  At least that is what I tell myself when she is in the other room screaming for me when she knows good and well where I am... you know... because she just crawled away and all.

In addition to crawling, she is also pulling up.  A lot.  And if you leave her to it, she can turn a room into a disaster zone in a minute or two. 

I had just gotten Big One to start cleaning up after herself.  Sigh.  

I have a feeling Little One will be walking before her first birthday.  Time will tell.

I desperately need to schedule some professional pictures, but for the time being you can admire my beautiful girls in their beautiful tutus from Sweet Scarlett Tutus.

And yes.  I know I've been gone a long time.  Sorry 'bout that.  Life just seemed to get in the way.