August 30, 2012


So I saw a deal on one of those fabulous deal sites several weeks ago.  I instantly knew I had to purchase it. What for you ask?  A trip to a shooting range!

I have wanted to learn to shoot a gun for years.  Surprised?

So the Hubster and I went and had a fabulous time!  I was a little worried that the Hubster wasn't going to have such a great time because he has a lot of experience with guns from his prior military days.  I was wrong though, it has been a few years since he has been shooting and I think he liked teaching me too.

We shot a semi-automatic .22 (I think?).  Nice and easy for me!

The guy next to us was shooting this fancy shmancy .45 with a laser that made me jump every. single. time. he shot.  Nuts.

These were my first five shots.  Not bad for a beginning, huh?

We will for sure go again.

Please note the first shot was actually the one up top.  I found my groove after that!


  1. Nice aim! Shooting guns is a surprisingly fun date activity, isn't it?

  2. jealous! i'm dying to give it a try!

  3. Yeah my hubby took me to the range and I shot that fancy pants 45 and almost needed to change mine. LOL!! What a fun date!

  4. Wow, Lexi!!! I am impressed. And I would for sure have needed to change my pants! ha! It was SO fun!!
