March 4, 2011

Glad we didn't go to the ER and Pumpkin Hats

Well, we have been very fortunate in not having any trips to the ER with the girls yet  (knock on wood).  Let's hope that continues!

However, yesterday we were at a new playplace with a friend and kiddos.  Big One missed a ladder step and her jaw hit the landing, tooth went through her lip.  Fun times. 

Fortunately she only cried and bled for a few minutes.  Oh and my friend is a nurse.  Heh.  So we continued to play, then went to lunch.

On our way home I called the ped.  By the time they got back to me I was about to put Big One down for a nap.  Sigh.

They wanted us to go to the ER in case she needed stitches.  I was pretty sure she didn't (turns out I was right) so we just went in.

Barely has a battle scar.

See that tiny  red mark under her lip on the right?  Yeah.  That.

Penicillin for 2 days to keep infection away.  Phew.

And just because I think this is the cutest hat on Little One.  Enjoy.