February 13, 2011


So my husband has always been a little anti-princess.  Not like the princesses in Disney movies, but like, calling your little girl, Princess.  With that being said, we haven't bought any princess stuff.  I think we got some pajamas with the word Princess on it because they were on sale.  But yeah...

So a while back Big One started saying "Mommy princess" when I would wear a skirt (heh).  And then Little One was born and she started saying "Mommy princess" when I would be getting ready to nurse the baby because I would have a boppy on my lap.  It is pretty funny, especially when Daddy is holding Little One with the boppy.  Hehe.

Yesterday, I made matching Valentine's Day skirts for the girls.  When Big One got up from her nap I put it on her to make sure it fit.  It did.  Perfectly.  Hubby thought it would be too short (I'm pretty sure if it came to her toes it would still be too short).  As soon as Big One put it on she started spinning and spinning and spinning, saying, "I'm a princess!"  Love memories like that.

I will post a picture of the skirts when Little One isn't asleep on my chest <3

Here you go!  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. aww.. what a cutie-princess ;) mine calls herself princess ashlyn all the time lol sssh.. don't tell C haha

  2. Love it. :) You should be able to call them princesses. Believe me someday they won't like princesses anymore and you'll miss it. Mackenzy is anti princess and anti pink now. I never thought I'd see the day. Love the skirts!
