November 19, 2011

Vacation Hubster

So the Hubster's job is stressful.  Has been for about a year now.  Will be for several more months.  That is life.  But he is doing amazingly well and I am so very proud of him!

He doesn't get much time off.  And even when he has a day or two work just hangs over his head.  Nature of the beast, I suppose. 

But when he got home at 11pm it was like this new relaxed guy arrived!  It was awesome.  Smiles.  Laughs.  Just happy!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Hubster is on vacation!  An entire nine days off!!!! 

We don't have any real set plans.  We are hoping to get some Christmas shopping in, he's going out with a friend tonight, I'm going out with friends tomorrow night, we have ballet class, I have jury duty (sigh), Thanksgiving, picking out and decorating our tree, making some Christmas presents. 

But really?  Relaxing.

I imagine he will take the dog running quite a bit.  And playing with the girls a bunch.  And having dinner as a family.  Man, I'm really looking forward to that. 

So hooray for my Vacation Hubster!!!

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