November 13, 2011

Weight Loss Update

I posted awhile back about trying to lose the rest of this baby weight that I was carrying around.

It was much easier to drop the pounds after I had Big One.  Maybe it was because I was younger.  Maybe it was because I was trapped under a nursing or sleeping baby for months not willing to risk waking her in order for me to go and grab something to eat?  Whatever it was, it didn't repeat itself this time around.

I decided in July that it was time.  Really.  I wanted my clothes to fit again.  I wanted to feel good about the way I looked.

The Hubster was always incredibly supportive.  He never ever told me I needed to lose weight.  He always told me how beautiful I was (inside and out).  This was something I needed to do for me.

So I had two goals.  The first was to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight.  The second was to lose five additional pounds.

To throw a little something in the mix, I was nursing.  It is very important to make sure you eat enough calories per day when you are nursing, otherwise you risk losing your milk supply.  Little One never took a bottle, and wouldn't drink anything but water out of a sippy, so losing my supply would be a huge problem.

So it was this crazy balance of eating the right things, and enough of them, but still managing to lose weight.

I hit my first goal about three weeks ago.  Good old fashioned counting calories.  Who knew?!  

I'm about two pounds away from my second goal.  I'm not surprised I didn't quite make it while I was nursing.  The body has a way of holding on to a little extra fat to sustain the milk supply.  So gosh I hope if flies off now!

But I'm pretty proud of myself.  I set a goal.  I stuck with it.  I did the work.  It was certainly not always fun (I really love food).  But I did it.

And I feel good about myself.  My body isn't exactly where I would like for it to be.  But I'm close.

I've lost 10 pounds since the middle of July.

Not too bad!

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